
Magnolia Specialized Services provides services to over 175 children and adults with special abilities. Included under the Magnolia Specialized umbrella is the Verbie Graney Adult Day Program; Amelia Weiser Child Enrichment Center; Jay Johnston Group Home; Ralph Weiser Apartments; and Medicaid Waiver Home and Community Based Services.

Sara Carrington is the Executive Director; Johnnie Ware is the Assistant Director and Medicaid Waiver Coordinator; Jeffrey Jester is the Residential and Adult Coordinator; Leah Morgan is the Preschool Coordinator; Paula Hughes is the Assistant to the Preschool Coordinator and Transportation Director; Lawrence Lee is the Maintenance Supervisor; Amelia McAdams is the Accountant; and Lisa VanDonsel is the Art Instructor. There are many other Direct Care employees who are the backbone of our organization.


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Thanks to United Way, Magnolia Specialized Services is able to provide reliable transportation to our children and adults in our day programs. Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department offers programs such as ours an opportunity to receive grants for the specialty vans that we use. The Federal Government pays 80% of the cost of the van and Magnolia Specialized Services is required to pay 20%. We use the money that we receive from United Way to go toward our 20% match.
